One mineral I don't take in enought of in my diet is calcium (read this, it's good!). Your body needs pretty huge amounts of calcium compared to other vitamins and minerals. You need calcium throughout your life; when you're young you need it to build up sturdy bones; when you're of child-bearing years you need it to supply your growing baby with building materials and to replace those in your own body that you've lost; and when you're older, you need it to slow bone density loss, and to prevent brittle bones. I think a lot of girls stop drinking milk when they get into their teens, and don't realize they are depriving their body of a main source of calcium. I don't use milk in anything but cooking, so I obviously don't take enough calcium in. So I take a big ol' horse pill of calcium every morning so that I can continue to wear high heels well into my twilight years, without fearing that I may break a hip.
Pay attention to what you're eating -and what you're not! - to see what you are getting healthy levels of vitamins from and what you might need to eat more of. Read nutritional information and look up the values for fruits and veggies on the internets. If you just can't fit any more foods into your diet, find a supplement that works for you. Be careful of how much you take though, and really pay attention to toxicity levels and toxicity symptoms. If you aren't sure what you need more of, go to your doctor or a nutritionist to get help figuring it out. Keep yourself healthy on the inside and you'll look and feel better on the outside. You'll feel good, your skin will glow, your hair and nails will grow in strong and healthy. See, vitamins ARE a beauty product! Look after your body - you've only got one, and it has to last you for a while.
Listening to: Lay All Your Love On Me - Mamma Mia! OST.
*By saying vitamins, I'm refering to the supplement that contains both vitamins and minerals. I use 'vitamins' to cover both dietary necessities interchangeably.
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