Ok. Let's talk about The Body Shop's Brazil Nut Body Butter. I'm sick of hearing about their Cranberry butter, or Satsuma, or any of those other fruity concoctions they have. The Cranberry gives me a migrane, and the Satsuma is lovely...when you apply it in small quantities. Otherwise you smell a.) Like you rolled in orange peels and b.) Like a pre-adolescent girl who got into her mother's cosmetics and put WAY too much on. I feel like any girl - next - door over the age of 14 probably wants something with a little more ... subtlety.
Enter Brazil Nut Body Butter. When you look at it in its brown tin, it doesn't look all that appealing. It smells like nothing special, and it's a non-descript off-white colour. But just smooth a little on here and there and experience the magic. It smells like heaven. It heats up on your skin and just gives you a ~warm~ smell all over. That's the only way to describe it. You smell like hot skin on the beach and sunshine - in a very good way.
Apply it on dry spots to get silky, or along your shins, shoulders, and collarbone for a super pretty shine. It's irresistable. I'm practically in ecstasies right now.
You can buy this magic at The Body Shop for $20 (Can.$). Don't bother with the Whip Body Lotion in the squirt bottle. It may be cheaper ($16), but it's not the same. You wind up smelling like a very strong cookie. And while I love cookies, I have no wish to smell like one.
Listening to: Wolfmother (MSTRKRFT remix) - Woman
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