Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do The Watermelon Crawl

Bella Sugar posted a little note about a watermelon pedicure being offered at a salon in NYC. I thought it was super cute, and since I like to have fun with my toesies, I decided to copy it and present it to you guys. I'm certainly not going to New York any time soon, so I'll have to make do with D.I.Y. watermelon for now.
You will need:
  • Hot pink or watermelon red nail polish, lime green, pale pink (like one you would use to do a french manicure), clear polish, and black.

  • A fine paintbrush, nail art brush, or a couple toothpicks.

  • French manicure adhesive guide strips.

  • Polish remover, fruit scented lotion (watermelon if you can get it), pedicure goodies.

Step 1- Get your feet into fighting condition. Buff up your heels, trim your nails so that they are nice and straight, and give them a quick filing to soften the edges. Lotion up, and then remove all old polish. Even if you have bare toes to start with, give them a quick swipe to remove oils from your nails. Let dry.

Step 2 - Place the manicure strip along the edge of your nails so that no edges peek out. Ensure that there are no bubbles or warps and press it down firmly.

Step 3 - Paint the entire toe with the pink or red polish. Don't worry if you get some on the manicure strip, it will come off later.

Step 4 - Peel off the manicure strip. See how it left a nice clean line of unpainted toe? This will be the rind. With the fine paint brush, toothpick etc., paint this strip green. Rinse your brush thoroughly with polish remover.

Step 5 - With a steady hand, use the pale pink to draw a super fine line along the edge of the green and pink. Rinse the brush with polish remover.

Step 6 - Using the black, add 3 teardrop shaped dots on a diagonal line. These are the seeds. Rinse the brush.

Step 7 - Give everything a good coat of clear polish, slip on some flip flops, and go enjoy the sun with your new summery toes.

Listening to: Rainbow Stylin' -Royksopp

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