I dunno if you guys have noticed, but I'm on a change-everything kick. This need to fix my hair, face, muscle tone, etc. hits about twice a year, and usually coincides with the beginning and end of winter. In the fall, I dye my hair outrageously dark and try to amp up my makeup, scaring my mother when she comes to visit, and in the late winter/early spring, I slather self tanner onto my pasty skin, try to achieve cali-beach hair, and obsessively try to beat my zits into submission. The changing of seasons has always bugged me, but waiting for winter to turn into spring in Alberta is like inchworming your way over hot coals. It's March, with 2 feet of snow, at -33c outside. And it will be like this until mid May. The thought is a bit depressing. Out of boredom and to maintain my sanity, I embark on mini makeover missions. If you want to psycho-analyze my motivations, perhaps I do these makeovers as a ritual, enabling me to feel like as I change, so will the weather, giving a subconscious feeling of control. Or, maybe I'm just sick of being stuck in the house for over 6 months of the year with f'in chapped, blindingly white skin.
So bear with me as I introduce another boredom induced project: teeth whitening. I'm off to buy Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel today. According to every makeup blog I've read out there, this stuff knocks the socks off of all other tooth whitening products. All you have to do is squirt some of the gel into the tooth trays, or apply it to the tooth surface with a q-tip, wait 5 minutes, and then receive compliments from outrageously attractive men on the street. Or, y'know, flash your pearly whites at the cute guy in the car next to you while waiting for police to clean up the fender bender caused by someone trying to drive with all season tires in this weather. I'm sure he'll be able to see your sparklers from beneath your toque, balaclava, and down filled jacket...
Anyway, I guess this stuff doesn't cause tooth and gum sensitivity the way Crest Whitestrips do, and works better and faster than the Rembrant whiteners. And the plus side - it costs $7 (Can.) for the tube of whitener, or $14 for a whole kit, including the gel, a tooth tray, and some b.s. whitening rinse. That's a steal of a deal. Oddly enough, the only place I've been unable to find this is at Walmart. I've seen it at Superstore, London Drugs, Shoppers, etc. so it is pretty easy to obtain. If you're like me, and like to check everything out on MuA before you purchase, Plus 5's review page is here. I'm off to give this a go, and will update you on the results in about a week!
Listening to: Postcards From Italy - Florence And The Machine
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